A friend called and hooked me up on a blind date. Prior to meeting him in public (Diablo 3 Gold), I thought I had never met him before. When I saw him there I recognized him from some very limited interactions before.
Have you ever taken Plan B? I have, I took it because I was an irresponsable but otherwise ethicial slut who had unprotected sex with multiple men. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, I don't care if you call me a slut so I have no reason to claim rape. For me and many others Plan B is an emotional rollercoaster, like rabid PMS on steroids and dirty coke with stomach flu. It was awful when I was not traumatized.
Because they found no semen on the rape kit swab and he used a condom, and also considering where I thought I was in my cycle based on my last period, I thought there was an almost nil chance of me getting pregnant.
I guess I was right, but it does happen. I took a calculated risk because I didn't want to spend a week crying and screaming and I lost.
If I made this up I could have made it much simpler and much more difficult to dispute (Diablo 3 Gold). Much less complicated for simple minds to get confused. I have casual sex. I'm not ashamed of it. That's just not how I got pregnant.
It already happened and I don't have much more to say about it. I was raped, and like many women there was no evidence of it and wouldn't have been if I didn't get pregnant. If he would have told the pigs that it was concentual instead of that we didn't have sex he'd be a free man today.
I believe that you do not believe me. It doesn't matter (Diablo 3 Gold). I'm not trying to change world history or spew hate on vast groups of people because of what happened to me. I'm just telling my story.
I'm willing to answer any reasonable questions about my experience, but at this point I'm really more interested in talking about adoption. I'm not having a half century pity party like some people. I have some adoption ideas I want to talk about.