seems to me (others may disagree) that using your camera's exposure readings to determine what is the correct exposure is still shooting "auto", even tho you may be setting the camera to manual.
While using that approach, or aperture priority (Diablo 3 Gold), gives you more control over DOF it still leaves the exposure determination to the camera which is all too often not what you really want.
It might not be a great time for you to spend $, but if you can pick up a cheap incident meter I think you'll find that you have all kinds of new control over your exposures.
With all due acknowledgement that I am not expert nor are my photos the world's best, I'd use one of mine (below) as an example. This photo was taken in late morning summer light - bright, with heavy shadows. Using any kind of auto exposure, the camera averages those values and what I would end up with is a burned out sky and a tonally flat mountainside - all because the camera tries to compensate for the deep shadows as much as the rest. Instead, I take a meter reading in the open bright light, set my aperture and exposure accordingly (Diablo 3 Gold), and presto - get the kind of exposure I want.
Anyway, my 2 cents. Your mileage may vary