
My story never changed

A friend called and hooked me up on a blind date. Prior to meeting him in public (Diablo 3 Gold), I thought I had never met him before. When I saw him there I recognized him from some very limited interactions before.

Have you ever taken Plan B? I have, I took it because I was an irresponsable but otherwise ethicial slut who had unprotected sex with multiple men. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, I don't care if you call me a slut so I have no reason to claim rape. For me and many others Plan B is an emotional rollercoaster, like rabid PMS on steroids and dirty coke with stomach flu. It was awful when I was not traumatized.

Because they found no semen on the rape kit swab and he used a condom, and also considering where I thought I was in my cycle based on my last period, I thought there was an almost nil chance of me getting pregnant.

I guess I was right, but it does happen. I took a calculated risk because I didn't want to spend a week crying and screaming and I lost.

If I made this up I could have made it much simpler and much more difficult to dispute (Diablo 3 Gold). Much less complicated for simple minds to get confused. I have casual sex. I'm not ashamed of it. That's just not how I got pregnant.

It already happened and I don't have much more to say about it. I was raped, and like many women there was no evidence of it and wouldn't have been if I didn't get pregnant. If he would have told the pigs that it was concentual instead of that we didn't have sex he'd be a free man today.

I believe that you do not believe me. It doesn't matter (Diablo 3 Gold). I'm not trying to change world history or spew hate on vast groups of people because of what happened to me. I'm just telling my story.

I'm willing to answer any reasonable questions about my experience, but at this point I'm really more interested in talking about adoption. I'm not having a half century pity party like some people. I have some adoption ideas I want to talk about. 


It’s not "insider trading" at all

It’s not "insider trading" at all, just the an industry you don't have deep professional connections to (Diablo 3 Gold).

It's not really any different than some guy who owns a restaurant having a party at his house and the booze supplied by the same company he buys it from at work- if you are a guy who owns the liquor store three doors down from his house you might be miffed that someone less local got the purchase, but to characterize that as being a victim of "insider trading" is just silly.

Same goes for people in the business of buying and selling real estate for other people *gasp*... buying and selling real estate using their own money (Diablo 3 Gold).

What's worse, you see *your* attempts to capitalize on the misfortune of others by buying up foreclosures as somehow noble and act almost as if it is is your right to have first dibs and not have to bust ass to take advantage of opportunities for windfall profits like everyone else.

You are free to become a real estate agent, make professional connections with other people in the industry and do business with them with the added benefit of those professional connections just like anyone else is...your complaint is tantamount to being pissed that some NASCAR team sold a used race car directly to another team (Diablo 3 Gold), instead of advertising it so "the common man" would have a chance to buy it.



Hear the screech of tires in the street

Last night. I stand to look out the window and see through the tree limbs an auto stopped at the cross street but nothing untoward as the car starts up again going East (Diablo 3 Gold). I sit down and hear another screech and rise again to the window wondering what it is I cannot see going on. This time it is a pick up truck skidding to a stop under the tree behind two parked vehicles. He revs the engine and burns rubber charging into the rear of the parked car shoving it forward a bit while blue smoke rises from the screaming tires.

He pulls away and down the street towards more traffic and people walking across streets.

He's headed right towards the police station.

I call 911 because I could see the potential for worse to happen very soon (Diablo 3 Gold). Takes forever, period of listening to a warning about wasting their time with frivolous calls while I can still hear the tires and car ambling towards the cops unknowingly.

Man must be stopped before he kills someone.

As I'm listening to a an operator tell me how this is not an emergency I see a fellow crossing the street towards the rear ended car.

He gets in and drives away while I'm on the phone never noticing his car is damaged and tail lights are in the street with other small parts.



You confuse the issue.

You stated: "I believe it's very important to maintain a clear distinction between what is fact and what is hypothesis in science."

The distinction would be between 'hypothesis' and 'law'. Facts are neither (Diablo iii Gold).

And, on the 'hypothesis to law continuum', 'theory' would be in-between. 'Theory' would still be subject to change, given conflicting data, but it is much more than a 'hypothesis'. As I read it, you seem to equate hypothesis with 'prediction' or 'guess' or 'informed guess'.

So, 'I believe the Sun will still be shining tomorrow' is more than a guess - more than a prediction/hypothesis (Diablo iii Gold). It is the result of a vast amount of theoretical knowledge on how stars work. And given that hydrogen bombs work, it is fairly well tested knowledge.

Just so with byslexic-Dog's statement. We are quite sure that, unless other things come into play, current understanding is that at some point, the Earth itself will be consumed as the Sun grows old, and thus, life on Earth will cease.


That's all true.

Why you find it scary is the mystery (Diablo 3 Gold). There is nothing wrong with waiting to contact an adult and not interfering in the life of a minor.

It's true that reunion is between the adult adoptee and the bmom, not the aparents. It is not about you and you are not invited, by either party. Why you expect to be is a sign of your fears and need to be controlling.

Yes, it's normal to issue an invite to meet/have contact and the touch base periodically to see if anything has changed or at least to let the other know the door is still open. People grow and change. I wasn't interested in reunion in my teens but really wanted it in my late 20s. In my early 30s I was too busy raising kids to care or look. In my 40s I had time again and the interest. Didn't find her until I was in MY late 40s.

Finally, YES, adults have the RIGHT to initiate contact with each other and to follow through and make contact. Either has the right to decline. But even that required some contact in order for the offer to be made and declined. Adults have the right to meet and know one another without their parents' approval or permission (Diablo 3 Gold). Without the parents even knowing about it, if the adoptee wants it that way. Reunion is not about the parents in any way, good or bad. It is SOLELY about the adoptee and the bmom and solely between them.

Your NEED to control or prevent reunion is sick and screams out your fears.



An observation and a suggestion

seems to me (others may disagree) that using your camera's exposure readings to determine what is the correct exposure is still shooting "auto", even tho you may be setting the camera to manual.

While using that approach, or aperture priority (Diablo 3 Gold), gives you more control over DOF it still leaves the exposure determination to the camera which is all too often not what you really want.

It might not be a great time for you to spend $, but if you can pick up a cheap incident meter I think you'll find that you have all kinds of new control over your exposures.

With all due acknowledgement that I am not expert nor are my photos the world's best, I'd use one of mine (below) as an example. This photo was taken in late morning summer light - bright, with heavy shadows. Using any kind of auto exposure, the camera averages those values and what I would end up with is a burned out sky and a tonally flat mountainside - all because the camera tries to compensate for the deep shadows as much as the rest. Instead, I take a meter reading in the open bright light, set my aperture and exposure accordingly (Diablo 3 Gold), and presto - get the kind of exposure I want.

Anyway, my 2 cents. Your mileage may vary



For me personally

I have a hard time answering some of those questions because my son was in the nursery for 7 days (Diablo iii Gold), because he was born and had fluid in his lungs and was being treated with antibiotics. So as far as trouble bonding, no but I didnt hold him much the first couple days because of being in the nursery. Did he have trouble latching.. yes, but this is because the nursery wasn't calling me down to BF, they were supplementing him with formula so he had absolutely no interested in bfing.

Now when I was in labor I labored for 23 1/2 hours, and pushed for an hour. I had no real birth plan other than to handle it all one step at a time and go from there because I had never labored before and despite everything I had read, all the information I had recieved, I still had no idea how my body was going to handle it. I went in knowing that I did not handle pain very well, never had never will.

So with that being said, I tried to really give it my all and troop through it! I had to be fully induced at 40wks 3days, because my waters were getting too low for baby. My body had done absolutely nothing in the right direction to get him out. I labored until a 5, and then finally asked for the Epi I was so drained and so out of it that I needed something! I had one dose of IV drugs and that didn't help one bit because my contractions were going up and not coming back down they would last for five minutes at a time. When I asked for the Epi, I had been in labor for about 12-15 hours somewhere in there.

So with that being said, you just need to go with your gut, and go with what you think you can personally handle (Diablo iii Gold), some women have wonderful labors and some women have to really really give it their all to even get half way through. I think an actual "birth plan" is silly, but a lot of people do it and they swear by it. My Birth Plan for this baby and my last was just Handle it all one step at a time, and to get the baby out. With that mindset I was able to relax a lot, where as my sister in law freaked out both time her labors didnt go as planned, full on screaming in the delivery room "this is not the plan!!!". You're body is going to do what it's going to do, and there isn't any way to predict that, especially if you've never had a child before.

Goodluck with whatever you decide! I hope I didn't ramble too much!