
For me personally

I have a hard time answering some of those questions because my son was in the nursery for 7 days (Diablo iii Gold), because he was born and had fluid in his lungs and was being treated with antibiotics. So as far as trouble bonding, no but I didnt hold him much the first couple days because of being in the nursery. Did he have trouble latching.. yes, but this is because the nursery wasn't calling me down to BF, they were supplementing him with formula so he had absolutely no interested in bfing.

Now when I was in labor I labored for 23 1/2 hours, and pushed for an hour. I had no real birth plan other than to handle it all one step at a time and go from there because I had never labored before and despite everything I had read, all the information I had recieved, I still had no idea how my body was going to handle it. I went in knowing that I did not handle pain very well, never had never will.

So with that being said, I tried to really give it my all and troop through it! I had to be fully induced at 40wks 3days, because my waters were getting too low for baby. My body had done absolutely nothing in the right direction to get him out. I labored until a 5, and then finally asked for the Epi I was so drained and so out of it that I needed something! I had one dose of IV drugs and that didn't help one bit because my contractions were going up and not coming back down they would last for five minutes at a time. When I asked for the Epi, I had been in labor for about 12-15 hours somewhere in there.

So with that being said, you just need to go with your gut, and go with what you think you can personally handle (Diablo iii Gold), some women have wonderful labors and some women have to really really give it their all to even get half way through. I think an actual "birth plan" is silly, but a lot of people do it and they swear by it. My Birth Plan for this baby and my last was just Handle it all one step at a time, and to get the baby out. With that mindset I was able to relax a lot, where as my sister in law freaked out both time her labors didnt go as planned, full on screaming in the delivery room "this is not the plan!!!". You're body is going to do what it's going to do, and there isn't any way to predict that, especially if you've never had a child before.

Goodluck with whatever you decide! I hope I didn't ramble too much!


