
You do not have all the facts - neither do I

Look, here's the problem: The OP has not defined the abusiveness (Diablo iii Gold). Is it emotional? Physical? WE DON'T KNOW. The OP did not appear to be panicking over her situation, but rather, reflecting on what the next steps need to be done in order to extricate herself.

Everyone on here went ape-shit when she used one of the trigger words, "abused", but the fact is that abuse can take many forms, many of which do not place the OP in imminent danger of loss of life or injury, and can allow some deliberate action and planning, instead of just knee-jerk reaction.

I know this because I am on the managing board of a respected woman's shelter where I live, and I have handled the phone calls from women who ARE in fear for their lives. Someone who writes in on Craigslist is not in imminent fear. I've worked thru the maze of police and social services available for the women who find themselves kicked, beaten, sexually assaulted, shot at, etc, had their kids held hostage for their "behavior" -- you name it, I can probably top it. Do YOU get the 1 AM phone call from a woman whose husband has locked her out of the house because he's decided she needs to be put in her place?

Shelters are fine and serve a purpose, but they are a bandaid on the situation. Many have time limits that limit how long one can stay -- and then what? And that's IF you can find a shelter that has space. That is our biggest challenge. I've got a list as long as my arm of shelters and safehouses (Diablo iii Gold), and finding one with space usually require a minimum of four to five phone calls. To tell a woman who may not be in imminent peril to drop her life and go to a shelter is knee-jerk and reactionary.

And if you actually READ my post instead of jumping all over it, you'll see that I suggested that she contact legal aid if she can't afford an attorney. We don't KNOW what her financial situation is, ok? You are assuming that she is penniless and destitute. For all we know, she might have a better job than her husband. WE DON'T KNOW, ok? Don't assume. You'd be surprised at the number of calls we get from women whom you'd never suspect of being victims of domestic abuse. They have nice homes, their children are nice kids who aren't in trouble, they have jobs -- but there's something in their relationship that is broken. 

