
Let the chips fall where they may

First, change YOUR attitude; get a don't-give-a-shit attitude towards the situation (Diablo 3 Gold). The way to do this is to jettison your 'ownership' of your job; don't take what you do so seriously...feeling that it's all up-to YOU.

Now that you understand you are a mere cog in a big wheel (process), do your job as well as you can, and whenever you hit a roadblock (non-communicating person or whatever) of any type, stop! You can not go farther so you must choose what to do next: you can go around the roadblock if it's possible. Or report the roadblock to a higher authority and ask how to proceed. This is important. You are not your boss, so why do a boss's job? Ask for instructions and WAIT. If the process slows and becomes an issue, THE impediment will be addressed; it's NOT YOUR PROBLEM once you report the specific problem. If the impediment is a person, be business-like in how you report it. "Boss, I finished this, but can not proceed further b/c miss Jones is not ready to accept my work product"; "Miss Jones has not-yet provided me with....." etc.

Remember, you just work there; you are not wholly responsible for the final product if it depends on teamwork. Just cover your ass...document everything that happens that impedes you from performing your part of the process. Once you start this, you do not have to be fearful of anybody..and you will even become more empowered and emboldened, and happier too. And you won't come home and yell at your spouse and kick the dog anymore. 

